Friday, 8 May 2015

£10 and Under Gyaru Sale!

Everything here is £10 or less!

Everything is only available once, unless stated otherwise - so once they're sold they're gone!

P+P is £3.50 in the UK and £4 everywhere else.

For future updates like this, you can follow my shop page on Facebook HERE

These first 2 are part of the 'Gyaru Appreciation Range' (which will be expanding, Manba is next!)

They are both £10 to first buyers and then the price will go up after that. 

(The jagged parts at the bottom are just left over from filing, I forgot to remove it before taking the photo)
The rest are part of another listing, all are £10 or less but only 1 of each are available!

Buy them HERE

'COMIC' £7
'AS IF' £10
'GOLD' £7
'FURBY' £7
These next 2 are part of 2 new ranges that will be listed once I have more designs.

These ranges follow the same rules as the Gyaru Appreciation Rage, all will be £10 to the first buyer, then the price will go up thereafter.

The first new range is 'Fantasy'


The second new range is 'Animals'


All nails from the 'Gyaru Appreciation', 'Fantasy' and 'Animals' ranges can be customised - you can choose different colours, backgrounds, sizes, lengths, shapes, etc!

Many of these aren't listed on Etsy yet, to buy the ones that aren't, just purchase some of the same price and send me a message in 'Note to Seller' stating the nails you want.

I do accept buyers outside of Etsy if you don't have an account, contact me on Facebook for details.

Btw I can print off custom decals now, so if you're wanting custom nails made keep that in mind - you could have a photo of you or your pet on your nails! A fan of a Kpop star? I could put them on nails too! You get the idea! I think this would be great for a Gal circle to do, they could wear their logo and members on their nails - I wish I was in a circle so I could that that! >_<

For anyone who wonders how I re-use my nails so much, this is how:

Also, sorry about not blogging for a while! I hope to get back to it soon - my life has just been a little all over the place recently! Haha <3